The Charter of New Hope

The main points of the Charter of New Hope were thrashed out and laid down at the first public meeting after the humanoid invasion was beaten back, under the watchful eyes of the elves and the old order. It was a stormy meeting, and none of the faction leaders dared cross the will of the people. The reigning mayor was given one week to come up with a working electoral system or to be replaced by popular vote.

The Charter of New Hope.

This town believes that:

  1. New Hope belongs to the people of New Hope
  2. Every individual owns their own labour and is entitled to benefit thereby
  3. Every individual has the right to give to New Hope
  4. New Hope will return like for like
  5. New Hope will respect those who contribute to its benefit
  6. Every individual is responsible for their own actions
  7. An offence against an individual, is an offence against the community
  8. An offence against the community is an offence against the individual

New Hope belongs to the people of New Hope
For this reason the mayor of New Hope will be elected by the people of New Hope. The mayor will ensure that the dwelling houses, mines, farming lands and other sundry assets of New Hope are used to the benefit of all of the citizens of New Hope. The mayor is also charged to secure the dwelling houses, mines, farming lands and other sundry assets of New Hope from theft and invasion therefore to.

Every individual owns their own labour and is entitled to benefit thereby
The Mayor of New Hope will be charged to ensure that every citizen of New Hope can earn a living from among the dwelling houses, mines, farming lands and other sundry assets of New Hope. Those citizens who choose not to labour for their own benefit shall have no recourse upon the mayor or the other citizens of New Hope.

Every individual has the right to give to New Hope
The Mayor of New Hope is charged to ensure that every new comer and every citizen of New Hope has the right to contribute to the benefit of New Hope in ways that are commensurate with their station and beyond.

New Hope will return like for like
The mayor is charged to ensure that those who contribute most to the benefit of New Hope, benefit most from the dwelling houses, mines, farming lands and other sundry assets of New Hope.

New Hope will grant respect to citizens in proportion to contribution
Those who contribute most to the benefit of New Hope are entitled to more respect from the citizens of New Hope. As such the mayor is charged to hear the voices of the most respected among the clamour of voices.

Every individual is responsible for their own actions
Each individual is solely responsible for their own actions – they shall not be held responsible for the actions of the forebears, offspring, employees, or colleagues.

An offence against an individual, is an offence against New Hope
It is the responsibility of every citizen of New Hope to assist the mayor in enforcing the laws of new hope should the need arise – even though just one member of the community is hurt by the offence.

An offence against the community is an offence against the individual
Every citizen of new hope is required to bear arms to defend the dwelling houses, mines, farming lands and other sundry assets of New Hope, should the Mayor so decree.

Codicil 1 - Elections
Codicil 2 – Militia
Codicil 3 – Civil
Codicil 4 - Political
Codicil 5 - Citizenship
Codicil 6 - Legal

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